Title: Pretty Proofreader, 地味にスゴイ! 校閲ガール・河野悦子, Jimi ni Sugoi! Koetsu Garu Kono Etsuko
Genre: Office Drama, Romance, Comedy
Main Cast: Ishihara Satomi, Suda Masaki
Network: NTV
Aired: 2016 “
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Tags: Business, Editor, Writer
Kono Etsuko dreams of becoming a fashion editor and her eagerness shines through during her interview for the job. When she gets the call saying she’s been accepted, she’s over the moon, only to find out that she’s been hired as a proofreader instead. Like many, Etsuko initially looks down on proofreading as a job. Some people don’t even realize it’s a real job! But as she settles in, she discovers that there’s a lot more to it than just catching typos. Clad with fashionable outfits, she steps into the not-so-glamorous proofreading department and is determined to make the most of it. She views this role as a stepping stone toward her ultimate goal, giving her all to every assignment in hopes of turning her dreams into reality.
Cast & Characters
Ishihara Satomi as Kono Etsuko
Suda Masaki as Orihara Yukito
Honda Tsubasa as Toyoko Morio
Aoki Munetaka as Kaizuka Hachiro
Kishitani Goro as Takehara Naoto
Eguchi Noriko as Fujiiwa Rion
Wada Masato as Yoneoka Mitsuo
Adachi Riko as Imai Seshiru
Episode Recap & Unfiltered Thoughts
Episode 1
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