Us Forever (2020) | Japanese Drama

Title: Us Forever, Yameru Toki mo, Sukoyaka Naru Toki mo, やめるときも、すこやかなるときも 
Genre: Romance 
Main Cast: Nao, Fujigaya Taisuke 
Network: NTV 
Aired: 2020 
Country: Japan 
Episodes: 10 
Tags: Trauma, Work-related 


Us Forever follows the story of Motohashi Sakurako and Sudo Ichiharu. 

Sakurako works in advertising and, after a painful breakup, her wish to settle down and start a family has only grown stronger. Ichiharu, on the other hand, is a skilled furniture maker haunted by his past. Despite his talent, he feels stuck in the shadow of his mentor and struggles with a recurring trauma that leaves him, quite literally, speechless for a week every December. 

They meet at a wedding, where Sakurako is immediately drawn to the charming Ichiharu—until she learns he’s not the type to commit, which makes her wary. Yet, in an unexpected twist, they somehow find themselves dating, each bringing their own baggage into a relationship that just might change both of their lives. 

Initial Thoughts

Cast & Characters 

Nao as Motohashi Sakurako 
Fujigaya Taisuke as Sudo Ichiharu 
Kanazawa Miho as Mizusawa Ayame 
Hino Shohei as Sato Tetsu 
Goseki Koichi as Yanagiba Yuta 
Nakai Tomo as Oshima Maori 

Episode Recaps & Unfiltered Thoughts 

Episode 1 

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